‘Ya̱lis Movable Feast
‘Ya̱lis Movable Feast will be a FREE full day all-ages music festival, with Indigenous musicians and dancers visiting Alert Bay from all over BC.
When: August 25, 2024 - All Day
Where: ‘Na̲mg̲is Bighouse Field
FOR MORE INFO SEE HERE: https://virtualfeast.ca/
🌟🎶🎤 'Ya̱lis Moveable Feast - one month follow up!
Posted: September 25, 2024 Despite the challenges of the Ferry not running, some Musicians unable to attend, and the ‘yugwa (rain) and ’wa̱dala (cold), @2RiversRemixSociety (2RMX) and the U’mista Cultural Society presented a special Movable Feast at the ‘Na̲mg̲is Bighouse Field on August 25, 2024 to great success! Part of the 2RMX Movable Feast Island Tour, this event celebrated contemporary Indigenous music and culture with an exciting grassroots sound that uplifts Indigenous voices - including ’Ya̱lis’s own: T̓sasała Cultural Group, Gary Peterson, Naomi Triebwasser and Zero Whonnock, plus a bonus treat from some local young hip hop artists!
🎥 Or watch the LIVESTREAM replay at: https://fb.watch/uHuHLpkLu3/
🙌 Gilakas’la | Thank you to:
2RMX, U’mista staff, Musicians, Vendors, Dancers, food donors, 'Na̱mg̱is Public Works, 'Na̱mg̱is Health Centre, K'wak'walat'si, Village of Alert Bay, Nawalakw, Whelalau, the RCMP, funding partners, and of course the cleaners, caterers, volunteers, and friends and family who attended, plus those who streamed the live show - we are so grateful to you all for creating such a magical event!
U’mista is looking for food/artist/maker/activity vendors to take part in this exciting first annual event!
Bookmark this page, and follow us on socials for more announcements coming soon! 🎶☀️😎