Purchased June 27 2019 (PO 10713).
The feature of a moon mask are often carved in such a way that the face appears flatter than is typical of other masks, reduced in prominence to suggest a face in the moon.The Upper World is the home of Sun, Moon, Stars, the Thunderbird, and the ancestors. It may be reached by a chain of arrows or by a ladder which the visitor climbs.In the sky lives Lelaba’lisela (Going-from-one-end-of-the-World-to-the-other). In a tale Sun, Moon and a girl are his children. Sun and Moon live in a house painted with the design of the sun and the moon to the right and left, with that a thunderbird over the doorway. This house as well as that of the mythical ancestors is called Overhanging-Mountain. At last, the Moon is also responsible for controlling the tides.