One type of regalia that is worn by the Kwakwaka’wakw (kwok-wok-ya-wokw) is the button blanket. The blanket is often worn by women during a potlatch or other sacred ceremonies. Have you ever worn any regalia at a special ceremony?
Titles in Series
Books in the Kwakwaka’wakw series include the following from authors Sally Williams and Bobbie Wildman and illustrator Lou-ann Neel:
A Kwakwaka’wakw Potlatch
Button Blankets
Hereditary Chiefs and Matriarchs
Our Traditional Medicines
Planning a Kwakwaka’wakw Potlatch
Strength in Our “Ways of Knowing”
The Cedar Tree Our Culture, Our Tree
Traditional Berry Picking
Educator Information
Recommended for intermediate students (grades 4-6).